<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50190PS501900053"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501900053"></xptr>
<p n="254">To ye. Rt. Worshipfull<obscured></obscured>
Justices of ye Peace now Sitting<obscured></obscured>
<p n="255"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Most Humbly Shewes</note>
The Humble Petition of<obscured></obscured>
Confined In Clerking<obscured></obscured>
<p n="256">That all yr. Worships Petitor. Pro<obscured></obscured>
Selves humbly att yr feet Desireing your will look in<obscured></obscured>
and Compassion on ye Misserable Condition as all<obscured></obscured>
Worshipe Petior by under theay being us in Numb<obscured></obscured>
all of them are Beate by Warell and his Wife with<obscured></obscured>
Breemstickes that Some of them hath theare<obscured></obscured>
and some theare Leges and others theare head<obscured></obscured>
theay are in a necy Deplorable Condition<obscured></obscured>
Threatoned by this Warell and<obscured></obscured>
Seller to be Rilped up from ye<obscured></obscured>
his Wife doth Say that if he doth not<obscured></obscured>
hands in Yr Worships Petitior. harts Blood the<obscured></obscured>
be easey yr Petior being forced to pay 3 pence for half<obscured></obscured>
of Genonea & 6 pence for half Qur. of Brandy and<obscured></obscured>
any of yr Worships Petitior hath any freinds<obscured></obscured>
Come to them and theay call for Drink theay<obscured></obscured>
gine Change but Keep & Money and<obscured></obscured>
freinds so that theay must Perish Without ye<obscured></obscured>
are Pleased to Regulate us and not to lot us<obscured></obscured>
theay Keeping Women in theare own house<obscured></obscured>
3 o Clock in<obscured></obscured>
morning a<obscured></obscured>
theare men<obscured></obscured>
theay pich theare Peethots so Yr Petis<obscured></obscured>
to yr Worships for Justice hopeing<obscured></obscured>

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