<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50140PS501400040"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501400040"></xptr>
<p n="182"> <obscured></obscured>
Aldgate par<obscured></obscured>
poor rate<lb></lb>
<p n="183"> <obscured></obscured>
to be the Mo 10 cl<obscured></obscured>
<p n="184">2s. 2d.</p>
<p n="185">in shopherd<obscured></obscured>
ves ter of a top of <lb></lb>
this Order on Mr. Worhthington<lb></lb>
of<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Aldgate parish on<lb></lb>
the <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50140_date35">3d of July 1714</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50140_date35" type="date" value="17140703"></interp>
<p n="186">to be<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
discharged insicanse<lb></lb>
Seem Cur<lb></lb>
Noe cause shown<lb></lb>
Petr. discharged</p>
<p n="187"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Midd ss</note>
Ad genal quartial. Session pacis Due Regine tent P Com Midd apnd thcks Ihcles<lb></lb>
in St: John Street in Com pred die Lune <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50140_date36">vicesimo octavo die Juny Anno rin Due Anne<lb></lb>
mmc Regine Magne Britanie Etc decimo tertio</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50140_date36" type="date" value="17140628"></interp>
<p n="188">It is Ordered by this Court that the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the<lb></lb>
<del>hamblett of</del>
parish of St. Botolph without Aldgate in this County have notice<lb></lb>
of this appeale, and that they doe attend this Court on Monday next at ten<lb></lb>
of the Clock in the forenoon to shew cause why the Petr. should not be<lb></lb>
discharged from paymt. of the moneys assessed on him in the rate made<lb></lb>
for the releife of the poor of the said parish.</p>
<p n="189">P Cur <lb></lb>

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