<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50107PS501070047"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS501070047"></xptr>
<p n="270">Whereas in & by one Act of parliamt. made in the thirty ninth<lb></lb>
year of the reign of her late Matie. Queen Eliz: Intituled<lb></lb>
An Act for punishmt. of<del>vagrants</del>
Rogues, Vagabouds &<lb></lb>
sturdy Beggers It was amongst other things Enacted That all seafaring men<lb></lb>
prtending losses of their ships or goods on the sea goeing<obscured></obscured>
<del>the Country begging</del>
& all<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
idle psons goeing abt. in any<lb></lb>
Country either begging or useing any subtil craft or<lb></lb>
unlawfull games or plays,<del>or prtending that they can tell<lb></lb>
destings, fortunes, or such other like fantastic all imagination<lb></lb>
all Jugde & all wandring psons & comon Labourer being<lb></lb>
of psons able in body, useing loytering, and refuseing to<lb></lb>
worke for such reason all wages as is taxed or comonly<lb></lb>
given in such parts where such psons doe or shall happen<lb></lb>
to dwell or abide, not haveing liveing otherwise to maintain<lb></lb>
shuold be taken adjudged & deemed Rogues,<lb></lb>
Vagabonds & sturdy Beggers, And<del>that every pson wth.<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
the sd Act was declared to be a Rogne Vagabound or sturdy<lb></lb>
begger wch should be at any time after the feast of Easter<lb></lb>
then next comeing, taken begging, vagrant, wandring or<lb></lb>
unsordering themselves in any part of this Realse</del>
<del>upon their apprehencon</del>
by the appointmt. of any Justice of<lb></lb>
the peace, Constable, Headborough or Tythingman of the<lb></lb>
same County, Hundred, parish or Tything where such<lb></lb>
pson shall be taken,<del>the Tythingman or Headborough</del>

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