Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1694

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500330102

Image 102 of 10418th April 1694

Middlsx ss.

The Examination of Humphry Woodman< no role >
surgeon taken before me Harvey Mr. one of
there Maties Justices of Peace of the said county
on the nineteenth of Aprill 1694 .

This Examinant saith and confesseth that he toge-
ther with one William Carol< no role > now in custody, one

Morgan, a man Smooth round faced, fresh co-
lourd of a very small stature, near thirty years of age
wearing a brown [..] and one William
a thin faced mans a Little pocholed, about 20 years
of age, did take away a White golding about 15 hands
high with some mony viz some silver and a piece of gold
of the value of 21 ssill 6p. from a gentlemans servant
in the road on this side of gerards cross , and that they
on the same day being the 18 of this instant april did
robb the henly stage coach also a waggon and some
pack horses; and further saith, that he and the said
Morgan did hire thier horses at the Bullhead inne, or the
Bull inne in the next street turning down on the
right hawd beyond the hay market , and that the
said Morgan was security for their horses to the
said inne Keeper promising to give 3 ssill Cp a day
for each hors, or 7 ssill for the two days that Sey
were to be cut; hs also saith that he doth make
this ingenuous confession out of hopes to lay hold of
the benefit of the Last clause of the late act
of Parliament for the apprehending pf high-
way men he further saith Morgan sent for him to the
George in Hedge Lane where the said Morgan was well known
and that they all met there.

Capt. anno et due predict.
coram. Harvey

Humphrey Woodman< no role >

He further saith that Morgan was
wounded near one if his dyes
with a shot; and that William
aforesaid was wounded
about the month, his hand, and
some other place with a Short,
the sais William complaining
that his teeth were beaten out

Humphrey Woodman< no role >

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