<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50012PS500120034"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS500120034"></xptr>
<p n="97">P Adjorn <rs type="date" id="LMSMPS50012_date24">24th. August 1691</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMPS50012_date24" type="date" value="16910824"></interp>
<p n="98"> <note type="authorial" place="margin"> <obscured></obscured>
for a Watch<lb></lb>
have rent in Long<lb></lb>
Alley in Shoreditch}</note>
Reading the Humble Peticion<obscured></obscured>
sevral of the Ancient Inhabitants of<lb></lb>
Long Alley next Adjorneing to Morefield in the Liberty of Norton Folgate in Finsbury<lb></lb>
division in this County Exhibited unto this Court thereby Shewing that they have<lb></lb>
had a standing watch kept between the Signe of the Dolphin & Long Alley end<lb></lb>
next unto Morefields for att least Fifty years past as they could make appear the<lb></lb>
said place haveing been well liked of by divers High constables itt being much for<lb></lb>
the safety of the Petitioners who dwell soe near Morefields where frequent Outrages<lb></lb>
and Robberies are Comitted & praying that this Court would grant them an Order<lb></lb>
for the Continuance of the said Watch in the Old accustomed place before menconed<lb></lb>
Soe that itt might not be in the Power of any Constable or other Officer for the<lb></lb>
Future to Alter the same without leave from this Court Itt is thought fitt and<lb></lb>
Ordered by this Court that the Present Constable of the said Liberty and the<lb></lb>
Succeeding Constable for the time being doe place a Sufficient Watch att the<lb></lb>
Stands before mentioned for Security of the Inhabitants there and that they doe<lb></lb>
not remove the Watchmen Occasions</p>
<p n="99">P Cur</p>

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