Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1691

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500100099

Image 99 of 14221st April 1691

To the Honoble theire Maties Justices of the Peace now setting at
Hickes Hall:

The humble Petition of Robert Oglethorpe< no role > and ( [..]
Nicholas Mitchell< no role > overseers of the Poore of the Liberty
of the Rolles :


That Sarah Drew< no role > is Sent by the pass annexed, unto the said Liberty of the Rolles from the parish
of St. Clements Danes . as a Late Inhabitant of the said Liberty:

That the said Sarah Drew< no role > hath beene gon out of the said Liberty of the Rolled for the space of
Eightye ares as will be made appeare to yor Honoble. by the Oath of Sufficient persons, and
hath not Inhabited within the said Liberty ever since:

Yor. Peter. therefore humbly prayed that this Honoble Bench will be pleased to
pass the said Sarah Drew< no role > to such place & her late habitacon as shall
appeare to yor Honors. to be Just:

And yor Petitionrs: Shall ever pray etc

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