<div1 type="SM_OCpage" id="LMSMOC40001OC400010165"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMOC400010165"></xptr>
<p n="568">undoubtedly belongs to this County) it would Effectually<lb></lb>
prevent Coaches & Carts passing that way, This Court<lb></lb>
upon Consideration had of the premisses Doth Order that it<lb></lb>
be and It is hereby recomended and referred unto the<lb></lb>
said Mr. Fuller to Cause posts and Railes to be putt<lb></lb>
Downe in such Part of the nnm as belongs to this County<lb></lb>
to prevent the said Way or passage from being made me<lb></lb>
off as a Comon Way for Coaches Carts or other Carriages.</p>

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