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<p n="688">p adjorn Martis <rs type="date" id="LMSMOC40000_date84">Sexto die Decembr 1720</rs>
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<p n="689"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Order touching the<lb></lb>
Putting the Laws<lb></lb>
in executor wth.<lb></lb>
relate to the Paving<lb></lb>
& cleanseing the<lb></lb>
streets Etc</note>
Whereas Complaint hath been made at this<lb></lb>
Generall Session of the Peace held for this County That<lb></lb>
notwithstanding the many necessary and wholsome<lb></lb>
Provisions made for cleansing and Paveing the<lb></lb>
Streets Lanes and other Publique Places Comprized<lb></lb>
within the Bills of Mortality by the Laws & Statutes<lb></lb>
now in force, Yet by the great negligence of the<lb></lb>
Scavengers Rakers and other Officers as well as<lb></lb>
an almost nitire neglect of the Inhabitants in Sweeping<lb></lb>
their doors Etc as directed by the Statutes, the Streets<lb></lb>
Lanes Alleys and Publique Plates are in a most<lb></lb>
ruinous and dirty condicon, not only in respect to the<lb></lb>
Pavements being broke and wore down in most of<lb></lb>
the High Streets, but also by the Poore sort of<lb></lb>
People laying at their doors dust, dirt, coal-ashes,<lb></lb>
dung and other filth and rubbish to the great<lb></lb>
annoyance of his Majestys good Subjects in Passing<lb></lb>
the Streets above their lawfull occasions,</p>
<p n="690">And Whereas Extracts of all the Laws now in<lb></lb>
force for Paveing and cleansing the Streets have<lb></lb>
been Printed, and the Justices have frequently in<lb></lb>
the most earnest terms press'd the Inhabitants<lb></lb>
to Pay a due obedience thereto, and have made<lb></lb>
examples by convicting and levying the Penalties<lb></lb>
on Some of the most remarkable Offenders, Yet<lb></lb>
experience Sufficiently demonstrates that a more<lb></lb>
Vigorous Execucon of these Laws are required<lb></lb>
from the Magistrates to render them usefull to<lb></lb>
the Publique and to answer the good ends intended<lb></lb>
by our Legislators,</p>
<p n="691">And Whereas this Court hath taken into<lb></lb>
Serious consideracon the great destruction made<lb></lb>
among mankind in the South on Parts of Francis<lb></lb>
by the Plague And considering the wise & necessary<lb></lb>
Precautions taken in all parts of Europe to prevent<lb></lb>
the contagion Spreading, and being fully Satisfied that<lb></lb>
the cleansing and paveing the Streets and keeping them</p>

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