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<p n="159">which now Wee have noe meanes of being acquainted wth.<lb></lb>
That the business of the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMOC40000_geo113">Old Baily</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMOC40000_geo113" type="placeName" value="Old Baily"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMOC40000_geo113" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
may meet wth. delays for want<lb></lb>
of a sufficient number to make a Court which would be an<lb></lb>
Inconvenience to his Maties Subjects, who are obliged to<lb></lb>
attend & present to their Severall Indictments against<lb></lb>
offenders as well as Sometimes an hardship upon the Prisoners<lb></lb>
That some of the Justices of the peace for this County were<lb></lb>
formerly (& till lately) put into the sd Comission of Goal Delivery<lb></lb>
the discontinuance of which We apprehend to be the cause of<lb></lb>
the ill treatment & bad accomodacon We have of late years<lb></lb>
met with</p>
<p n="160">That as We have not been wanting in our respective Stations<lb></lb>
to use our utmost diligence & Endeavours in the Service of<lb></lb>
his Maties & his Governmt. and have already done & shall<lb></lb>
continue to doe all that is in our power to establish the<lb></lb>
reputacon of our comicon Soe We hope that the Comission<lb></lb>
shall have the same Conntenance & Incouragemt. It formerly<lb></lb>
enjoyed in the time of our predecessors And wee begg leave<lb></lb>
to assure ye Lordship that what ever Authority any of us<lb></lb>
shall be further intrusted with shall be always applyed &<lb></lb>
exerted for the safety of his Maties person & Government<lb></lb>
and for the preservacon of publick peace & tranquility<lb></lb>
within this County</p>
<p n="161">All which We humbly represent and<lb></lb>
submit to your Lordships great Wisdom<lb></lb>
& Justice</p>

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