Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

14th January 1796 - 18th September 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556110468

Image 468 of 50510th July 1800

July 1800.

From the above Examination Your Committee
are of opinion that Mary Rich< no role > was properly treated during
her Confinement and that every necessary Care and
attention had been paid to her by the Governor and the
Doctor and that she had lived better Since she had been in
the Prison than in her usual mode of living with her
Father and Mother.

And they further Report That having Examined
Mr.. Aris as to the observation made by the Petty Jury of
the want of Cleanliness in the Vagrants apartments her
stated that it is impossible to keep it so clean as he ought
from the great Number of Vagrants passing thro' the Prison
and who are Committee for 7. Day's in Consequence of
a late Act of Parliament directing 7. Day's imprisonment
before they can be passed that they are frequently sent in
the most filthy and diseased state that every possible
Attention is paid to them but that the Apartments.
Allotted to that description of Prisoners get into a state
of Filthyness in the Course of a few hours after the Vagrants
are put in, that the place is Washed every Day.

That having Examined Mr.. Aris as to the Complaint
made to the Jury by William Cheetham< no role > respecting the Silk
Handkerchief Mr.. Aris gave the following Account That
a Prisoner named Nash stole a Handkerchief from a
Prisoner named John Fry< no role > that Fry complained of being
robbed by Nash I made the necessary enquiry into the
business and finding that Cheetham was in possession
of the Handkerchief which had been stolen from Fry
directed my Son James Aris< no role > who is a Servant in the
Prison to fetch the Handkerchief from Cheetham and
deliver it to Fry which was accordingly done and I desired
Nash to return back the four shillings to Cheetham
which he had Received for the Handkerchief.

Your Committee do not find there has been any
neglect in the Surgeon respecting the Mutineers but as
to their being permitted to attend the chapel from the
disposition manifested by them at different times there
does not seem to them to be any reason for altering the
Resolutions come to by the Court on that Subject.

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