<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55611GO556110278"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556110278"></xptr>
<p n="1824">January 1799.</p>
<p n="1825">"in the manner following, two slices of Bread and<lb></lb>
"Butter and a pint of very bad Tea for Breakfast<lb></lb>
"served out of a Watering Pot - a Plate of Meat<lb></lb>
"and one pint of Porter at one two or three Clock<lb></lb>
"sometimes stinking and often very bad in<lb></lb>
"quality a Complaint was followed with locking<lb></lb>
"up - no knife fork or other utensal was allowed<lb></lb>
"to eat with, and as the Yard where some of the<lb></lb>
"persons used to walk was at a distance from<lb></lb>
"their Cells they were obliged when it rained<lb></lb>
"to eat their Dinner in the Privy - one pint<lb></lb>
"of the same sort of Tea and Bread and Butter<lb></lb>
"in the afternoon - on the 14th. July Oxlade who<lb></lb>
"had been Confined two terms without Commit-<lb></lb>
"ment was admitted to Bail and being taken to<lb></lb>
"<rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55611_geo1293">Whitehall</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55611_geo1293" type="placeName" value="Whitehall"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55611_geo1293" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
informed the Council of the Situation<lb></lb>
"of his fellow Prisoners but no steps were taken<lb></lb>
"to better their Condition things continued in this<lb></lb>
"state till 4th. of August when crank, Cowle and<lb></lb>
"Campbell of the Committee of the L. C. S. were<lb></lb>
"liberated on Bail, Frushard was admitted to<lb></lb>
"Bail on the 17th.. and Humphries taken in Blow<lb></lb>
"Court and day, Purnell, Dight, Edwards, Seek or<lb></lb>
"Goodluck, and Neigle taken at the George those<lb></lb>
"that remained in Custody. Vizt. D. B. C. E. R. W. K.<lb></lb>
"were then put together in a Yard on the Northwest<lb></lb>
"of the Prison (where in the Winter Season the Sun<lb></lb>
"never shines) where they continued and were<lb></lb>
"locked up sooner as the Day shortened till in<lb></lb>
"the Month of November in the midst of Frost and</p>

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