<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55611GO556110238"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556110238"></xptr>
<p n="1652">December 1798.</p>
<p n="1653">Quantity of such Food, - That the Average of Sick<lb></lb>
Prisoners at the abovementioned time was from 5.<lb></lb>
to 6. only in Number That according to the present <lb></lb>
Orders of the Sessions the Prisoners are to have Meat <lb></lb>
and Broth four Days in the Week, that during 40.<lb></lb>
Days of the time aforesaid there was delivered 15,200.<lb></lb>
pounds of Bread each Prisoner being allowed a <lb></lb>
pound Loaf Per Day, and it appears to your Committee<lb></lb>
that each of the Servants (16. in Number.) belonging <lb></lb>
to the Prison are Allowed (according to Custom as <lb></lb>
it is said) two pounds Loaves each Per Day and <lb></lb>
that the Governor (according to Custom) takes Two <lb></lb>
or Three Loaves as his occasions require.</p>
<p n="1654">That besides Bread and Meat delivered as <lb></lb>
aforesaid great Quantities of Vegetables are dressed <lb></lb>
for the Prisoners That the Butchers Bills for 43.<lb></lb>
Days for the House of Correction amounted to<lb></lb>
£100..18s..7½d. and the Bakers Bill for 40. Days <lb></lb>
to £118..5s..8d.</p>
<p n="1655">That the Average number of Prisoners in the<lb></lb>
House of Correction each Day during the time <lb></lb>
aforesaid was about 250. Persons so that the<lb></lb>
Expence of keeping each Prisoner Per Day was <lb></lb>
something more than 5d. without including <lb></lb>
Vegetables Oatmeal Cloaths Firing for Dressing <lb></lb>
the Dinners and Additional Servants in <lb></lb>
Consequence of the almost constant Cooking <lb></lb>
that there was paid for Coals in the last Year<lb></lb>
the sum of £435..16s..0d. the greatest part of<lb></lb>
which were Consumed in the Kitchen of the House <lb></lb>
of Correction</p>
<p n="1656">Your Committee further state that with<lb></lb>
a View of considering whether so large and Expen-<lb></lb>
sive an Allowance from the County is necessary</p>

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