<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55609GO556090308"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556090308"></xptr>
<p n="2291">February 1787.</p>
<p n="2292">Jervoise Esqr. against any damage that may be done or arise to the<lb></lb>
Spring of Water which supplies the Cold Bath in <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55609_geo1445">Cold Bath fields</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55609_geo1445" type="placeName" value="Cold Bath fields"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55609_geo1445" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
Which being Seconded was carried in the Negative - 7 of his Majestys<lb></lb>
Justices having voted agt. and 5 for the motion - The Chairman<lb></lb>
then Stated to the Court that the Agents of the said Jervoise Clerke<lb></lb>
Jervoise & others were willing to accept the Sum of £500 for the Risk<lb></lb>
they might run in having the Spring destroyed or damaged by the<lb></lb>
Erection of the said New intended House of Correction Etc - It was<lb></lb>
thereupon Moved That this Court do not Agree to this proposal<lb></lb>
which Motion being Seconded was carried unanimously<lb></lb>
Mr Bentley & Mr.Tilbury the Agents for the several parties<lb></lb>
interested attending this Court were directed to be called in and<lb></lb>
acquainted with the above mentd. Resolutions of this Court and being<lb></lb>
asked if they were willing to accept the Sum of £205 in addition<lb></lb>
to the Sum already agreed upon (so as to make the whole purchase<lb></lb>
Money 4100 Guineas) as a Compensation for the risk of damaging<lb></lb>
the Spring they answered in the Negative but offered to accept<lb></lb>
£300 in lieu of the Indemnity proposed by the said Masters Report<lb></lb>
and being withdrawn It was Moved that this Court do offer<lb></lb>
£250 in lieu of entering into the Indemnity mentioned in the<lb></lb>
Masters Report, Which motion being Seconded was carried in the<lb></lb>
Affirmative - The said Messrs. Bentley & Tilbury being again<lb></lb>
called in The Chairman (by the direction of the Court) informed them<lb></lb>
that the Court would give £250 in Consideration of the Vendors taking<lb></lb>
upon themselves the Risk of any Damage which might happen to the<lb></lb>
said spring by Digging or by any other Acts done in the said Ground<lb></lb>
which Terms they agreed to accept And it having been suggested to<lb></lb>
the Court that there was a Tenant in the possession of part of the Premes<lb></lb>
who having had no notice to quit would expect a Consideration from the<lb></lb>
Court for the giving up the immediate Possession of the Premes - It<lb></lb>
was Moved by Mr Jodrell that until actual Possession of the whole</p>

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