<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55609GO556090143"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556090143"></xptr>
<p n="985">June 1785</p>
<p n="986">The said Committee Report</p>
<p n="987">That having taken into Consideration the Order of<lb></lb>
Reference and having taken a View of the Session House and of the Ground<lb></lb>
adjoining they are of Opinion That the Pavement to the Front of the<lb></lb>
Building should be 12 feet wide and paved with Moor Stone Curb at the<lb></lb>
Extremity thereof and filled in with Purbeck Squares, the Footways to the<lb></lb>
several doors should be paved in the same manner. That a give and take<lb></lb>
Line should be laid out with the Commissrs. for paving St John <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55609_geo566">Clerkenwell</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55609_geo566" type="placeName" value="Clerkenwell"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55609_geo566" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
to be Enclosed with a Slight Iron Railing, and that a Parallel footway of<lb></lb>
different Widths as the case may require should be settled with the said<lb></lb>
Parish and formed at the Expence of the County in manner following vizt.</p>
<p n="988">The Extremitys thereof to be laid with the Curb or Moor<lb></lb>
Stone and the inside levelled and filled with hard Screen<lb></lb>
Ballast or Drift.</p>
<p n="989">That the Ground in the Front of the said Session house<lb></lb>
should be inclosed with Oak Posts and double Rails framed into the<lb></lb>
same with Rails to open for the Carriages with proper Footways through<lb></lb>
or across the same Ground and a Whipping Post fixed up in the Center<lb></lb>
<p n="990">That it is the Opinion of the Committee that the<lb></lb>
present Store Room and Stairs together with part of the Arcade next<lb></lb>
the Hall should be joined together for a Grand Jury Room</p>
<p n="991">That Stone Stairs should be formed to go up under the<lb></lb>
Clerks Stairs Case from a Vestibule below where the Stone Stairs now are</p>
<p n="992">That an Exclosure should be made over the open Space<lb></lb>
of the Sub Hall for a Lobby (connected by an Arch with the present Passage)<lb></lb>
between the present Jury Room and the New one (lighted from the Great Hall)<lb></lb>
and the present Room under the Court to be considered as a waiting room<lb></lb>
for the Witnesses and divided.</p>
<p n="993">One of the Indictment Offices in consequence of the above<lb></lb>
will require Alteration</p>
<p n="994">That a large Ventilator similar to that at the Old<lb></lb>
Bailey be fixed over the Arena of the Court</p>

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