Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

3rd May 1753 - 15th September 1757

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556030219

Image 219 of 22214th July 1757

of One Year to commence from Monday the Twenty fifth day of July instant
and doth agree that upon the said James Sturgis Adams< no role > 's due performance of all
the Matters contained in his said Proposals there shall be paid to him by the
Treasurer of this County after the Rate of Ten pounds a Month over and besides
the Allowance of Six pence a Head for the Subsistance of every such Rogue
or Vagabond in their Passage to be inserted in the Certificate as in the said
Proposal is mentioned And it is hereby recommended by this Court to the
Justices of the Peace of this County that they do as far as in them lieth promote
the said Method of conveying of Rogues and Vagabonds according to the said
Proposals; and for that Purpose that the said Justices who reside next the City
of London and to whom Vagabonds are brought in their Destination through
this County would order such Vagabonds to be lodged in Clerkenwell Bridewell
to be from thence conveyed by the said James Sturgis Adams or any other
Contractor to the next County and instead of inserting the Allowance as
heretofore in the Certificate to mention only an Allowance of Six pence for
Subsistance according to the said Proposal. And the Keeper of Bridewell is
to allow such Vagabonds Two pence a Day for their Subsistance during their
Continuance there and is to produce at every Sessions his Account of such
Vagabonds and the Expence of maintaining them according to such Allowance
of Two pence a Day during their Continuance in Bridewell .

3d. allow'd to Adams
fe 28 Feb 1760.
3d. Chad. in Keep of
Tothill Fields Bridewells
Accot. from 4 Apr 1761.
Keeper's of Clerkenwell 's
Charge contins. a 2d.
No Order for the
Above augmentation

And this Court being of Opinion that the Reward of Ten Shillings for the
apprehending every Vagrant Beggar (especially in Town and the Parishes next
adjoining) is more than adequate to the time and trouble of the Apprehender
and which has created Frauds and brought a heavy Expence upon the County, doth
therefore recommend to the said Justices to ease the County in this respect by a
frugal Distribution of such Reward and to proportion it to the time and trouble
such Apprehender may have.

And it is further recommended by this Court to the said Justices not to sign
any Vagrant Pass without Oath first made before them of the Confession of the
Party that an Act of Vagrancy hath been committed and upon such Proof if the
Party so accused [..] be a sturdy Beggar or shall appear to be a counterfeit
Object of Distress the Justice is desired to order such sturdy Beggar or Counterfeit
to be publickly whipped and to take the Examination of such Vagrant in Writing
upon Oath touching the Place of his or her Settlement and transmit it to the next
Sessions to be recorded in order to prove such Vagrant an incorrigible Rogue
upon his or he Commission of the like Offence after such Punishment
But where such Vagrant shall appear to be a real Object of Compassion that
the Justice would commit him or her to Bridewell and in the Commitment order

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