Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

3rd May 1753 - 15th September 1757

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556030215

Image 215 of 22214th July 1757

from the great Expence arising from the unlimited uncontrouled wandering of the
Vagabond Poor: And your Committee are of Opinion that the Season of the year
proper to enforce the Execution of this Act is now coming on as those Vagrants who
are able to work will in the Fields find ready Imployment.

As the Publication of the Clauses of so much of the Vagrant Act as relates to
the apprehending Beggars by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London and their
Resolution to put the said Act into strict Execution has produced the desired
Effect by clearing the Streets of that Metropolis from Beggars, your Committee
are of Opinion that this Court adopting the same Plan with such Additions and
Alterations as shall by them be thought proper way in a great Measure produce
the like Effect in this County; but your Committee apprehand that if any part of
the Bills of Mortality be left an Asylum for the Retreat of Beggars the
Nusance and the Charge arising to this County from it will in a Degree
continue as such Beggars will be always ready to make Excursions from
their Harbour; your Committee therefore think that it might probably give a
finishing Stroke to this Complaint if the Magistrates of the County of
Surry would concur in taking the like Measures and publishing the like
Resolutions with the Lord Mayor and this Court especially in respect to
the Town of Lambeth and Borough of Southwark: And your Committee
apprehend it would be of Service to the Publick to ask such Concurrence.
your Committee being also convinced that most of the Beggars in the
Kingdom do at times resort to this Metropolis, being led by various
Motives, some through Curiosity, others by hope of Gain; and that they
are well acquainted that upon being apprehended they will be provided for in their
return Home by a Pass without Punishment; are of Opinion that the Resolutions
this Court may come to in this respect should not only be affixed up in proper Places
about the several Parishes in this Town and published in the Daily Papers but
also that those Resolutions should be affixed up in the Towns and Villages in this
County near the several Reads leading to London and published in such Evening
Papers as may best circulate the Knowledge of such Resolutions throughout
the Kingdom whereby Vagabonds in the distant Countries being informed that
certain Punishment and as Gain will attend their Peregrination they may be
deterred from the base Attempt of coming here.

But your Committee apprehend that how judicious soever the Construction of any
Plan to exterminate this almost inveterate Evil may be, and however desirous and
vigilant the Magistrates may likewise be in their several Districts to carry the
Orders and Resolution of this Court into Execution, it is certain that without an

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