<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO55601GO556010467"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO556010467"></xptr>
<p n="1746">two Several Orders And also two Several Rates or Assessmts<lb></lb>
upon every Town Parish and Place in the said County for<lb></lb>
raiseing the Sum of Eight Hundred Pounds upon each<lb></lb>
Rate or Assessment to repair or rebuild the said Bridges and<lb></lb>
to Answer the other Ends & Purposes mentioned in an Act<lb></lb>
of Parliament made in the Twelfth Year of his said<lb></lb>
Majestys Reign Intituledan Act for the more easy assessing<lb></lb>
Collecting and levying of County Rates And Whereas<lb></lb>
it appeareth to this Court at this present Session that the<lb></lb>
said Bridge called <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO55601_geo2117">Brentford Bridge</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55601_geo2117" type="placeName" value="Brentford Bridge"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO55601_geo2117" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
hath not been yet rebuilts<lb></lb>
And that the Work is now carring on to Rebuild the Same<lb></lb>
And that all the Money raised on the first Rate or Assessment<lb></lb>
had been paid and Expended to Answer the Endsand purposes<lb></lb>
mentioned in the said Act And that three fourths of the<lb></lb>
Money collected by Virtue at the said last Rate have been<lb></lb>
also paid and Expended to Answer the Ends and Purposes<lb></lb>
mentioned in the said Act which said last mentioned Rate<lb></lb>
is the last preceding Rate made upon the Towns Parishes &<lb></lb>
Places in the said County for raising Money for the Ends &<lb></lb>
Purposes mentioned in the aforesaid Act Now for asmuch<lb></lb>
as it appeareth to this Court that it is necessary that a<lb></lb>
considerable Sum of Money should be raised and a Rate be<lb></lb>
for for that purpose made upon the Towns Parishes & Places<lb></lb>
in the said County for raiseing of Moneys for the Carrying on<lb></lb>
the Rebuilding the said Bridges and for the other purposes<lb></lb>
mentioned in the said Act of Parliament This Court upon<lb></lb>
Consideration of the Premises is of Opinion And doth<lb></lb>
accordingly Order that a General Rate be made and<lb></lb>
Assessed upon every Town Parish or Place in the said<lb></lb>
County for raiseing the Sum of Sixteen Hundred Pounds<lb></lb>
which this Court doth think Necessary to be Roused to<lb></lb>
defray the Charge of Rebuilding the said Bridges And to<lb></lb>
Answer the other Ends and Purposes mentioned in the<lb></lb>
said Act And to the Intent that the said Sum may be</p>

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