Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010238

Image 238 of 56329th June 1738

By Adjornment on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738

Order for Mr. John Higgs< no role >
to proceed to obtain an
Affirmation of the Order
& Rate made for raising
money for repair of
Brentford Bridge Etc}

It is Ordered by this Court that his Majesty< no role > 's Court of King's
Bench be moved by Councel in Michmas Term next that the
Order & Rate made by the Court of General Quarter Session
of the peace for the County of Middx for raiseing money for
repair of a Publick Bridge called Brentford Bridge in the Said
County being in great decay for want of repaire (which
hath been removed by writt of Certiorari into the Court of
King's Bench and is there depending & not yet determined)
may be affirmed And that Mr. John Higgs< no role > Attorney at Law
be and he is hereby directed to cause Such motion to be made
and Such proceedings to be had as Shall be proper &
necessary for the affirmation of the Order & Rate above
mentioned, And that he be paid his Fees costs & expences
on account thereof.

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738

Order concerning the
Paymt. of moneys to
Wm. Bodkin< no role > & John Carter< no role >
late Constables of Endfield
for passing & releiving
of Vagrants}

Upon application made unto this Court by William
Bodkin Constable of Endfield in the year 1735 and John
Carter Constable of Endfield in the year 1736 alledgeing
that the Sum of Seven pounds a peice or thereabouts is
due to them respectively for their trouble and expences in
passing & releiving of Vagrants, for payment whereof
they formerly applyed to this Court, but have not yet obtained
the Same, And It being now prayed that the moneys due
to them respectively for the Said Service may be paid unto
them, It is Ordered by this Court that Mr. John Higgs< no role >
Treasurer of this County do out of the Vagrant money
(in case he hath any Such in his hands) or out of the first
vagrant money which Shall come to his hands pay unto
the Said William Bodkin< no role > & John Carter< no role > respectively what
Sum of money he Shall find due to them respectively
upon the Certificates given to them respectively for
their trouble & expences in passing & releiving of Vagrants,
And that their respective receipts together with this Order
Shall be a Sufficient discharge to the Said Treasurer for Such

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