<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40001GO400010118"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400010118"></xptr>
<p n="457">without any previous Order of the Board to justify the same<lb></lb>
The Clerk being examined hereupon alledged that Messen<obscured></obscured>
had altered the warrants after they were delivered. The<lb></lb>
Messenger as firmly denied it so that Your Committee must<lb></lb>
leave it to be decided by this Court observing only that between<lb></lb>
the two the parishes have been drawn in to pay a years rate in<lb></lb>
their wrong. Your Committee therefore though it necessary<lb></lb>
to require of the Treasurer of the Trophy money to give them<lb></lb>
an account of what money he had reced as Treasurer who after<lb></lb>
much pressing was at last prevailed upon to send them the<lb></lb>
annext account which confirmed their suspicion for he there<lb></lb>
charges himself to have reced for the year 1720 the Sum of<lb></lb>
£127:18s:7d: and for the year 1721 the Sum of £144:13s:6½d<lb></lb>
New if by the years 1720 and 1721 is to be understood the<lb></lb>
years begining at Midsummer 1720 and Midsummer 1721<lb></lb>
then the first Sum of £127:18s:17d was unwarrantably reced<lb></lb>
if by the year 1720 and 1721 is to be understood the years<lb></lb>
ending Midsummer 1720 and Midsummer 1721 then the last<lb></lb>
Sum of £144:13s:6½d was unwarrantably reced and one or<lb></lb>
other of them ought to be charged to his Debet which is not done<lb></lb>
in his Account brought to be passed by this Court. The<lb></lb>
Treasurer being sumoned to solve this difficulty appeared<lb></lb>
and told your Committee that by the year 1721 in his account<lb></lb>
was meant the year ending Midsummer 1722 and said the<lb></lb>
mistake was occasioned by the Collectors themselves who<lb></lb>
desiring receipts for the year 1721 He (not having notice that<lb></lb>
no Trophy money was ordered to be assess'd that year) gave<lb></lb>
them receipts accordingly. Which was a gross neglect in those<lb></lb>
who should have appriz'd him thereof and has made it<lb></lb>
difficult for your Committee to direct how the severall<lb></lb>
parishes who have paid their money upon such wrong<lb></lb>
receipts shall be made sensible that nothing is due from<lb></lb>
them for any time before Midsummer 1722 The warrants<lb></lb>
now out being for a year ending Midsummer 1722 which<lb></lb>
is a different year from what they have already paid for<lb></lb>
and consequently they are liable to pay the same unless<lb></lb>
care be taken to the Contrary. Your Committee cannot<lb></lb>
leave this head without an observation which they think<lb></lb>
very extraordinary Viz: that not withstanding the great<lb></lb>
encrease of building lately made in the parishes adjacent<lb></lb>
to the <rs type="placeName" id="LMSMGO40001_geo389">City of London</rs>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40001_geo389" type="placeName" value="City of London"></interp>
<interp inst="LMSMGO40001_geo389" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
and suburbs The proportion payable</p>

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