<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40000GO400000273"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400000273"></xptr>
<p n="847">to the Statute of the Second and third of the late King William<lb></lb>
and Queen Mary made for paveing and cleanseing the Streets<lb></lb>
within the said limits, which this Court is of opinion are at<lb></lb>
all times a very great Annoyance to his Majestys Subjects<lb></lb>
and must be very dangerous if God Almighty should Visit<lb></lb>
Us with any Contagious Distemper, And therefore It is the<lb></lb>
Opinion of this Court that the said Statute be strictly putt in<lb></lb>
Execution against all Persons whatsoever who keep<lb></lb>
Hogs in the manner aforesaid</p>
<p n="848">That by the said last mentioned Statute there are likewise<lb></lb>
Several Penaltys inflicted upon the Inhabitants for not<lb></lb>
paveing their Doors and Sweeping up the Dirt, (as well as<lb></lb>
upon the Rakers and Scavengers for not taking it away)<lb></lb>
and also for not cleaning and carrying away the Filth<lb></lb>
and Soile from the several Markets, Extracts of Which<lb></lb>
Laws have been lately printed and delivered to the<lb></lb>
Inhabitants and Parish Officers that they might be<lb></lb>
apprized of the Penaltys they incurred, Yet experience<lb></lb>
hath Shewed that all those steps have not had the good<lb></lb>
effect which might have been expected from them,<lb></lb>
This Court is therefore of Opinion that (as the keeping the <lb></lb>
Streets and Markets paved and clean are very great<lb></lb>
preservatives against Infection) nothing would soe much<lb></lb>
Contribute to excite People to their Duty at this time, As<lb></lb>
the Justices in their respective Districts taking a person all <lb></lb>
View of the Streets and Pavements and convicting on such<lb></lb>
View all Offenders in the premisses, But that the <lb></lb>
Inhabitants may have a reasonable time for making <lb></lb>
good their Pavements This Court doth think fit and<lb></lb>
Order that the High Constables Petty Constables and<lb></lb>
Headboroughs in the several Divisions within the<lb></lb>
said Weekly Bills of Mortality do go through their respective<lb></lb>
Districts and give notice to the Inhabitants of the days the<lb></lb>
Justices intend to take such Views (which days the Justices are<lb></lb>
hereby desired to appoint for the purpose) And that in Case<lb></lb>
their Pavements and Ground before their Houses are not well</p>

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