<div1 type="SM_GOpage" id="LMSMGO40000GO400000266"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMGO400000266"></xptr>
<p n="823">the Justices effectual on this head, your Comittee think<lb></lb>
it would be of great use to print Advertisements in<lb></lb>
some of the Publick Papers Signifying the Penaltys the <lb></lb>
Constables are lyable to, by the said statute for not<lb></lb>
apprehending Vagrants, and the Rewards given to all<lb></lb>
Persons whatsoever who shall take up such Vagrants<lb></lb>
and Sturdy Beggers, which the Justices by the said<lb></lb>
Advertisements may declare they will levy on all <lb></lb>
Constables in whose Divisions such Beggers shall pass<lb></lb>
Unapprehended by according to the directions in the said<lb></lb>
<p n="824">Your Comittee proceeding to consider the next head<lb></lb>
to them referr'd, relating to persons Entertaining<lb></lb>
Inmates did receive Information from severall<lb></lb>
Gentlemen in the Commission of the Peace, by which<lb></lb>
it appears That besides the ordinary and too much<lb></lb>
accustomed method used by Persons in letting out their <lb></lb>
Houses to Inmates, its now become a comon Practice<lb></lb>
in the extream parts of the Town to receive into their <lb></lb>
Houses, Persons unknown without distinction of Age<lb></lb>
or sex, on their paying one penny or more P Night for <lb></lb>
lying in such Houses without Beds or Covering</p>
<p n="825">That his frequent for fifteen, twenty or more to lye<lb></lb>
in a small Room, where it some times happens that poor<lb></lb>
Wretches are found Dead, and the Corps have lain many<lb></lb>
days among the living before the Parish officers have<lb></lb>
been prevailed on to put them into the Ground<lb></lb>
Your Committee having well Weighed the danger of Infeccon <lb></lb>
from these Wicked and in human practices are of <lb></lb>
Opinion-That the Justices in their Petty Sessions and <lb></lb>
Publick meetings as aforesaid, do order the Constables<lb></lb>
or other proper officers to Sumons before them all Persons<lb></lb>
who harbour Inmates, and where it do's appear upon <lb></lb>
Examination that such Inmates have no legal Settlement<lb></lb>
in such Parishes and are not able to produce Certificates<lb></lb>
of their Settlements elsewhere-That the Justices<lb></lb>
do imediately pass them to such Parish where upon</p>

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