<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15096PS150960061"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150960061"></xptr>
<p n="260">Last Is the Mistery of Barbery or Shaving in the<lb></lb>
several Branches before mentioned within the<lb></lb>
Meaning of the Statute of the 5th. of Elizth. as to<lb></lb>
Service of an Apprenticeship for 7 Years? and<lb></lb>
does the Service of an Apprenticeship pursuant<lb></lb>
to that Statute intitle Persons not free of the sd.<lb></lb>
Company to carry on the Mistery of Barbery<lb></lb>
or Shaving in all it's Branches within the City<lb></lb>
of London, Suburbs thereof and seven Miles round.<lb></lb>
or within any and what part of that District?<lb></lb>
And are Persons who carry on the said Mistery<lb></lb>
within the said District or any Part thereof as<lb></lb>
well Freemen of the said Company as those who<lb></lb>
Served an Apprenticeship pursuant to the Said<lb></lb>
Statute of Eliz. and others who have not so<lb></lb>
done subject to the Controul and Punishments<lb></lb>
as well of the Rulers of the Bakers Company under<lb></lb>
the several Charters Acts and Bye Laws above<lb></lb>
Stated as to the Penalties of the said Act<lb></lb>
of the 5th. of Elizabeth And how and in what<lb></lb>
<p n="261">The prohibitory Clause of the Statute 5th. Eliz. Chas. 4th. Sect. 31st.<lb></lb>
extends only to those Trades that were in Existence at the Time<lb></lb>
of that Statute i.e. in 1562 in all the Proceedings that I have<lb></lb>
met with upon this Clause the Courts have declined to a strict<lb></lb>
construction against the Plls and to a favorable and large Constructn.<lb></lb>
for the Benefit of the Defts Instances of which have been in<lb></lb>
Salk. 610 1st. Shaw 241 - Raynard and Chase in 1st. Burrows<lb></lb>
and Beach & Turner 4th. Burr. This leads me to doubt doubt<lb></lb>
whether all the Branch of Barbery would be considered to<lb></lb>
fall within it because some of them are of a more modern<lb></lb>
date and upon this point much would depend upon the<lb></lb>
Evidence of Usage The general Trade of a Barber is without<lb></lb>
doubt within the Meaning of the Statute</p>

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