City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

26th June 1780 - 8th December 1781

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150920236

Image 236 of 38111th July 1781


These are to Certify that at the General Session of the Peace
our Lord the King holden for the City of London at the Guildhall
within the said City on Monday the Tenth day of September in
the twenty first year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George
the third King of Great Britain Etc Sir Watkin Lowes Knight
Mayor of the said City Didn. Pursuance of an Act of Parliament
made and passed in the twenty first year of his said Majestys
Reign Intituled "An Act for [..] further Regulating and
"Ascertaining the Importation and Exportation of Corn and
"Gram within [..] several part and places there in mentioned"
Deliver a Certain Appointment in the Words and figures
following that is to say.

Corn Exchange 11th. July 1781

To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor< no role > and
the Worshipful the Aldermen of the City of London

These are to Certify that we whose Names are here unto
Subscribed being the Major part of the Cornfactors who
are proprietors of the Corn Exchange have this day held a
General Meeting at which we have nominated and appointed
William Smiton< no role > of the Parish of Saint Dunstan in the
East to be Inspector of Corn Returns for the City of London
Accordings to an Act of Parliament made in the twenty first
Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the third

Thos. Harris< no role > LS
Chr Atkinson< no role > LS
Robt Wilson< no role > LS

Jos. Stonard LS
Jno Grenside< no role > LS
John Edwards< no role > LS

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