<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15086PS150860568"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150860568"></xptr>
<p n="1238">Guildhall London</p>
<p n="1239">For Appellants</p>
<p n="1240">The Parish of St. Botolph<lb></lb>
Bishopsgate without in the<lb></lb>
City of London Appellts.</p>
<p n="1241">and</p>
<p n="1242">The Parish of St. Giles<lb></lb>
Cripplegate without in the<lb></lb>
Sd. City of London Respondts.<lb></lb>
<p n="1243">Please to move that this<lb></lb>
Appeal may be allowed<lb></lb>
& the Order Quashed.</p>
<p n="1244">Mr. Common Serjeant is<lb></lb>
instructed to consent.</p>
<p n="1245">Mr. Silvester 1 Ga.</p>
<p n="1246">J. Carter Sollr. for<lb></lb>
the appellts</p>

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