<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15086PS150860547"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150860547"></xptr>
<p n="1103">To the Right Honorable the<lb></lb>
Lord Mayor of the City of London<lb></lb>
and the Aldermen of the same City<lb></lb>
in their General Quarter Session<lb></lb>
<p n="1104">The humble Petition and appeal of the Commissioners<lb></lb>
of his Majesty's Revenue of Excise</p>
<p n="1105"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Sheweth</note>
That by a certain Reassessment or Rate made for the present<lb></lb>
Year on the several Inhabitants and Occupiers of House Lands<lb></lb>
and Tenements within the Parish of Saint Helen London for<lb></lb>
and towards the necessary Releif of the Poor of the said Parish at<lb></lb>
the Rate of three pence in the Pound in pursuance of an Order<lb></lb>
of Vestry made at a Vestry held ofr the said Parish on the twenty-<lb></lb>
-third day of February 1775 and of the several Acts of Parliament<lb></lb>
mentioned relating to the Poor the Excise Office is charged to the<lb></lb>
said Rate or Assessment the Sum of twenty five pounds</p>
<p n="1106">That your Petitioners conceive themselves<lb></lb>
aggrieved by the said Rate or Reassessment<lb></lb>
and therefore appeal against so much thereof<lb></lb>
as relates to that Part of the Excise Office<lb></lb>
that is sctuate within the said Parish of<lb></lb>
St. Helen and pray for such Relief in the<lb></lb>
Premisses as the Court shall think just</p>
<p n="1107">S. ShutzSollr. for the<lb></lb>

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