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<p n="14">soon after the great Fire of London Houses and Shops<lb></lb>
were made in the Buildings within the Cloisters and<lb></lb>
precinct of the Hospital for the conse<obscured></obscured>
nce of the<lb></lb>
Inhabitants of London (therein great distress for Houses) who<lb></lb>
occupying the same as Tenants to the Hospital for their own<lb></lb>
benefit became Ratoable and chargeable to the poor Rates<lb></lb>
And that about the Year One Thousand seven hundred and<lb></lb>
Thirty some of the Antient Buildings and Wards of the Hospital<lb></lb>
and some of the said Houses and Shops having become<lb></lb>
ruinous were pulled down and since which by the Donation of<lb></lb>
Governors and other benefactors four large Pyles of<lb></lb>
Buildings have been Progressively Erected and are now used<lb></lb>
for the Hospital one of which Pyles or Wings contain a<lb></lb>
Hall Compting House and other rooms which are used for<lb></lb>
meetings of the Governors rearing Rents Examining and<lb></lb>
Admission of Patients and the other three Pyles of<lb></lb>
Buildings are used for wards for the Patients and<lb></lb>
their nurses only And that one of the said Pyles or<lb></lb>
Buildings of the Hospital being finished about the<lb></lb>
Year one Thousand seven hundred and fifty Eight the<lb></lb>
Church Wardens and Overseers of the poor and Inhabitants<lb></lb>
of the parish of Saint Bartholomew the less</p>

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