<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15048PS150480073"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150480073"></xptr>
<p n="290">severall large Stones to witt to large Stones & a great Quantity of Bricks to witt work of Bricks did unlawfull<lb></lb>
did putt & place & saured to be putt & placed & the sd Stones & Bricks<lb></lb>
so putt & placed & as afd then & there & at the sd other times for<lb></lb>
a longtime together to witt from the sd 1st day of Dec in the sd<lb></lb>
Year afd untill the day of the taking this Inquisition unlawfull<lb></lb>
& unjustly ddi permitt & still doth continue & to be cermain by means whereof<lb></lb>
the sd Street & Kings Highway afd called the Ditch side in the<lb></lb>
Parish & Ward afd was greatly streightred & obstructed so that<lb></lb>
the Leige people & Subjects of our sd Lord the King call could not<lb></lb>
Freely is pass repass & Labour with Horses Carts & Carriage as they<lb></lb>
used & were went to do to the great & comon Meance of till the<lb></lb>
Leige people & Subjects of our sd Lord the King in along & this<lb></lb>
the same going passing repassing & labouring as afd to the this<lb></lb>
example of all other in like case offending & agst the peace<lb></lb>
of our sd Lord the King his Crown & Dignity</p>

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