<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15044PS150440050"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150440050"></xptr>
<p n="220">thereto belonging and on the behalf of the Churchwardens and<lb></lb>
<rs type="occupation" id="LMSLPS15044_occ65">Overseers of the Poor</rs>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15044_occ65" type="occupation" value="Overseers of the Poor"></interp>
of the said Parish by the Severall Councill<lb></lb>
and Witnesses concerning the Prmisses It is thereupon Considered<lb></lb>
and Ordered by this Court That the said Appellant Thomas Dinely & Ptuers<lb></lb>
be releived<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
from the said Rate made by the Church wardens and<lb></lb>
<rs type="occupation" id="LMSLPS15044_occ66">Overseers</rs>
<interp inst="LMSLPS15044_occ66" type="occupation" value="Overseers"></interp>
aforesaid on him the said Thomas Dinely & Ptuers<del>from the<lb></lb>
time of his Appeale us</del>
for so much as is rated on him & Ptuers with regard<lb></lb>
to greater profitt and game from the said Brewers Key with ye sd<obscured></obscured>
the Annual Summ of two hundred and Six Pounds that being<lb></lb>
Proved to be the whole annual profitt made of the Same<del>the said<lb></lb>
cleare of all outgoings and deductions and that the<lb></lb>
proportion of the said Rate as far wit relates to the said<lb></lb>
Annual Value of two hundred and Six Pounds (being according<lb></lb>
to the Ability of the said Appellant Thomas Dinely & Ptuers within the<lb></lb>
said Parish in respect of the said Prmisses be confirmed<lb></lb>
And that the said Rate as to the other Parishioners and<lb></lb>
Inhabitants be also confirmed</p>
<p n="221">And that ye<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Wharfingers of ye other Keys be relaived from ye sd Rate & that they be rated<obscured></obscured>
respective Key<lb></lb>
according to ye whole annual profitt of each<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
with ye<obscured></obscured>
of all outgings &<lb></lb>
deductors which<lb></lb>
they shall make<lb></lb>
appeare upon oath<lb></lb>
at ye next Quarter<lb></lb>

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