<div1 type="SL_PSpage" id="LMSLPS15003PS150030180"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSLPS150030180"></xptr>
<p n="803">Whereas one Sarah a female infant aged about two yeares<lb></lb>
whose parents are unknowne by virtue of a warrant under the<lb></lb>
hands & Seales of twoe of their Matyes. Justices of the Peace wth. in<lb></lb>
the City of London (one being of the Quor) was brought & delivered<lb></lb>
by the Churchwardens or Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of St<lb></lb>
Michaell Cornhill London to the Churchwardens & Overseers<lb></lb>
of the Poore of the Parish of St Mary Woolnoth London At the place of her last<lb></lb>
legall Settlemt Now upon hearing the Peticon of the Churchwardens<lb></lb>
& Overseers of the Poore of the said Pish of St Mary Woolnoth by<lb></lb>
way ot Appeals in this morttor in the Prsence of the said Churchwardens<lb></lb>
& Overseers of the Poore of the said Pish of St. Michalle Cornhill whoe<lb></lb>
here now appeared to mainteyne the said warrant And itt appearing to<lb></lb>
the Court upon the oath of Severall witnesses That the said Sarah passintg<lb></lb>
through Cardinall upp alley in the said Pish of St Mary Woolnoth in the<lb></lb>
late greate fret And craving for Ann drink one Mrs Raynor releived her<lb></lb>
And that the said Sarah of her owne accord went away thence into the said Pish<lb></lb>
of St Michaells and there latt downe att Mr Watson doore<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
And after twoe<lb></lb>
hours tyme was taken upp by Come of the officers of the said Parrish of St<lb></lb>
Michaells where she was kept & provided for<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
by the spouse<lb></lb>
of three weekes following This Court doth admdye That the said Sarah<lb></lb>
had noe legall settlement in the said Parish of St. Mary Woolnoth Whereupon</p>

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