<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45037PS450370327"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450370327"></xptr>
<p n="1437">That Informant replied to the Stables that said Webb<lb></lb>
followed this informant and when informant Knocked<lb></lb>
at the Door of his Masters House said Webb asked<lb></lb>
this Informant if he lived there that Informant<lb></lb>
replied Yes and went into the House That in about<lb></lb>
half an hour after Informant went out at the back<lb></lb>
Door of his Said Masters House where he was met<lb></lb>
by said Webb who said to This Informant let me<lb></lb>
feel your Bubbies then Matched a Silver Shirt<lb></lb>
Pin out of Informants Shirt and ran away That<lb></lb>
about six o' Clock on the following Evening as Informant<lb></lb>
was coming out of his said Masters House he was<lb></lb>
Met by said Webb who said to this Informant Damma<lb></lb>
I am taken up on your Account and immediately<lb></lb>
Matched a Silver Watch out of this Informants<lb></lb>
Pocket and took three Guineas two Shillings<lb></lb>
and some half pence out of informants Right<lb></lb>
Hand Breeches Pocket, and said Damn any Eyes<lb></lb>
if you say any thing about this I will arrise you<lb></lb>
of an unnatural Crime and make you loose<lb></lb>
Your place and I will hang you and then<lb></lb>
ran away That about a Week after said Webb<lb></lb>
knocked at Informants Masters Door That Informant<lb></lb>
opened the Door when Said Webb said I have got<lb></lb>
your property and will give it You That Informant<lb></lb>
asked said Webb where it was That said Webb said<lb></lb>
come this way and I will shew it to you That<lb></lb>
Informant Followed said Webb a Few Yards when<lb></lb>

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