<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45036PS450360096"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450360096"></xptr>
<p n="435">Ward then proposed to Fight for half a Crownsworth<lb></lb>
of Punch to which Swain did not agree and<lb></lb>
Deponent verily believes the Coach Man had<lb></lb>
informed Swain That Ward was the famous<lb></lb>
Boxer of that Name Ward then Advanced to<lb></lb>
the deceased and put himself in a posture<lb></lb>
of offence by Clenching his Fists and putting<lb></lb>
them near to the Face of the deceased and<lb></lb>
made use of many aggravating Expression<lb></lb>
and Deponent put his Stick between them to<lb></lb>
prevent their fighting and Swain then said he<lb></lb>
could not late such usage and offered to fight<lb></lb>
Ware for £25. if he would fix the time and<lb></lb>
Ward soon after Struck Swain on the head but<lb></lb>
whether Swain had made use of any<lb></lb>
aggravating Expressions<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
at the instant he<lb></lb>
Struck deponent knows not he being engaged in<del>and</del>
with one other of the Passenger But previous<lb></lb>
to that much abusive he<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
Language had<lb></lb>
passed from each of the partys to the other<lb></lb>
upon the Receipt of the Blow they began<lb></lb>
to Fight and upon their closeing both fell<lb></lb>
together they then sat too again and both fell<lb></lb>
a second time and Swain got hold of the hair<lb></lb>
of Ward from which he was at last disengaged<lb></lb>
and several persons called out it was unfair<lb></lb>
and he ought to be cut 10 Pieces That Swain<lb></lb>
upon being Seperated said he would fight<lb></lb>
no more and went round<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
a Cart then<lb></lb>
Standing there as Deponent thinks toward<lb></lb>
Ward and Ward went round on the other side</p>

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