<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45034PS450340303"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450340303"></xptr>
<p n="1358">On the Seventeenth day after the Accident the Deced<lb></lb>
had a Shivering Fit and two Fits more violent on the<lb></lb>
following Day, on the Nineteenth day in the Morning<lb></lb>
had another Shivering Fitthe same Day between<lb></lb>
Eleven and Twelve o' Clock Mr. Gunning one of the<lb></lb>
Surgeons of the Hospital was acquainted with it, and<lb></lb>
he thought it necessary to trepan the Deceased, which<lb></lb>
he accordingly did in two places<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
being under each<lb></lb>
of the WoundsThe Trepan was done in Presence of<lb></lb>
the Deponent, on the left side was formd a small quantity of Master,on<lb></lb>
the Membrane next the Skull, on the right side there<lb></lb>
was None found, the Deceased continued much the same,<lb></lb>
Except being Weather, till within three Days of his Death<lb></lb>
when Deponent Discovered he had last the use of his<lb></lb>
Right side, was very restless the two Nights proceeding<lb></lb>
his Death which happened on Saturday last the 30th.<lb></lb>
of August, says the Deceased's Head was opened this<lb></lb>
Day when Deponent formd on the Membrane a small<lb></lb>
quantity of Matter under the wound on the left side, and under the<lb></lb>
Membrane on Abscess in the Substance of the Brain,</p>

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