<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45032PS450320232"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450320232"></xptr>
<p n="929">Have was much swelled, and Deponent called<lb></lb>
on the deced the Saturday Afternoon, when the<lb></lb>
reced expressed Himself to be much letter, but<lb></lb>
complained for the first time of a slight Pain in<lb></lb>
the left side, when Dept enquired whether the<lb></lb>
deceased had received any Blow there fell<lb></lb>
against any Thing, to which He replied He had<lb></lb>
not received any Blind on fell down, that Dept.<lb></lb>
applied the proper Medicines and saw Him<lb></lb>
again on Saturday, when Dept. was informed the<lb></lb>
deced had been delirous all night, but He then<lb></lb>
appeared to be much the same as on the<lb></lb>
preceding Night That Deponent saw the<lb></lb>
reced again on Monday Morning, was informed<lb></lb>
He had had a very bad Night, but He appeared<lb></lb>
to deponent to be much better then the proceding<lb></lb>
Day-That on the Monday Afternoon, the pain is<lb></lb>
his Side grew much worsed, when He wackled<lb></lb>
by the Deponents AssistantThat on Tuesday<lb></lb>
Morning Dept. saw the deced again when He said<lb></lb>
He had had a very bad Night but the dwelling<lb></lb>
of his Face was much abated, when Dept. discovered<lb></lb>
to a Certainty that his Right Jaw was fractured<lb></lb>
and Dept. reduced itThat Dr. Smith was called<lb></lb>
in that Morning, and prescribed for Him and Dept.</p>

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