<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45030PS450300122"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450300122"></xptr>
<p n="481">Anty Betty. Oh Anty Betty And looking<lb></lb>
through a Window in the Partits or the<obscured></obscured>
divided the Shop from the back Room<lb></lb>
Saw no person in the Chair where she<lb></lb>
had left the deceased whom She then<lb></lb>
Supposed had geneap to her Sister Hughes<lb></lb>
whose Room was up One pair of<lb></lb>
Pairs ever the Shop which She frequent<lb></lb>
did for some Weeks past But Deponent<lb></lb>
finding the Child still crying the endeavoured<lb></lb>
to open the Door which She found fast<lb></lb>
is not positive Whether she shut the Door<lb></lb>
or not that She then called for the<lb></lb>
deceased to come down Stairs but not<lb></lb>
receiving an Answer she knocked at the<lb></lb>
Street Door in Order to induce her to come<lb></lb>
Which was usually done when they<lb></lb>
were up Stairs that she then edeavoured<lb></lb>
to break a Parmnel out of the back room<lb></lb>
Door but could notthat Mr. Morgan<lb></lb>
then came in and pushed the Door open<lb></lb>
And found the deceased<obscured></obscured>
lying on the Floor<lb></lb>
close to the Door whist she supposed<lb></lb>
prevented it from openingthat she got<lb></lb>
her up further unto the Stitcher and then<lb></lb>
discovered her throat was cut that the</p>

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