<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45028PS450280335"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450280335"></xptr>
<p n="1400">I Done I don't want to fightI had<lb></lb>
Drink with you than FightThat her<lb></lb>
not hear what Answer the Deceased made<lb></lb>
But very soon afterwards the Deceased<lb></lb>
struck the<del>Deceased</del>
Other four or five Blows<lb></lb>
with his FirstSeem'd to <obscured></obscured>
at his<lb></lb>
Head but Informant does not Know<lb></lb>
where in Particular the Deceased Struck him<lb></lb>
The Other Man said several times to<lb></lb>
the Deceased I will give it up to You<lb></lb>
but did not Strike the Deceased in return<lb></lb>
That then Two or three Persons Came by<lb></lb>
And they Persuaded the Other Man to<lb></lb>
fight, the DeceasedAnd Then They both<lb></lb>
Stript and went to fighting (They had<lb></lb>
before Both of Them their Cloaths on)<lb></lb>
That whilst They were fighting<lb></lb>
Informant Came down to Them from<lb></lb>
the House and when he got down<lb></lb>
they were leaving off-There were not<lb></lb>
above One or Two Blows Passed after<lb></lb>
Informant Came down<lb></lb>
Saith That soon after they began<lb></lb>
fighting the Prisoners stip'd and fell down<lb></lb>
That Informant did not see the Deceased<lb></lb>
fall at all</p>

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