<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45026PS450260395"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450260395"></xptr>
<p n="1585">which this Examinant suffered him to go on. That just<lb></lb>
as Caddie was come up to Gray and Stunnells Assistance this<lb></lb>
Examinant being behunt with the other Man, he heard the<lb></lb>
Report of a Pistol which he believes was fired off by Gray<lb></lb>
and which killed. Mr. Herd as this Examinant verily believed<lb></lb>
That Caddie soon returned back to this Examinant<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
said to him "Over here" pointing to the next Field" they have do<lb></lb>
"him he is as dead as a Stone for he fell back and never stirred<lb></lb>
"Hand or Foot or gave a Groan". whereupon this Examinant and<lb></lb>
Caddie went over into the Field & there met Gray and Stunnel<lb></lb>
That they went over the Field's together towards <rs type="placeName" id="LMOBPS45026_geo1124">Grays House</rs>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45026_geo1124" type="placeName" value="Grays House"></interp>
<interp inst="LMOBPS45026_geo1124" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
Hoxton and in Conversation as they walked along Gray said<lb></lb>
to Caddie "You have done him" to which Caddie replied "How can<lb></lb>
"that be as my Pistol is the same as when I went out". That this<lb></lb>
Examinant is convinced within himself that Gray fired off the<lb></lb>
Pistol which killed the deceased as he carried out with<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
a loaded Pistol but did not bring it home with him again<lb></lb>
That Caddie had a loaded Pistol with him but he did not fire<lb></lb>
it off but bought it back with him loaded and Stunnel had<obscured></obscured>
other Weapon than a Cutlass. That<del>Caddie</del>
this Exam<obscured></obscured>
believes that Gray threw his Pistol into a pond in the Brick<lb></lb>
Fields as they went along together as this Examinant<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
him fling something into the pond and on his asking Gray wh<obscured></obscured>
it was Gray said it was a Brickbat to which this Examinant<lb></lb>
replied it was a Pistol, and this Examinant saith that Gray<lb></lb>
had not taken up any Brickbat in his Hand That this Examinant<lb></lb>
going along asked the others what Money they had got and<lb></lb>
Gray said "heres all I"ve got" giving this Examinant two or<lb></lb>
three Guineas. On coming to Grays House the Money was<lb></lb>
pasted among them, and a Six pence which was gilt over<lb></lb>
taken with the other Money was thrown awayThat this<lb></lb>
Examinant burnt the Papers he took, at his own House. That<lb></lb>
<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
in Conversation since between this Examinant and Gray<lb></lb>
he asked Gray "Howit rested upon his Mind" (<obscured></obscured>
eaning the<lb></lb>
shooting Mr. Herd) to which Gray replied' it rests easy as<lb></lb>
"he (meaning the deceased) would have took my Life if he could</p>

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