<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45026PS450260191"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450260191"></xptr>
<p n="738">he told Informant that he had been Stab<obscured></obscured>
a Knife by a Person whose Name was P<obscured></obscured>
on Board the Miner<obscured></obscured>
aThat they had<lb></lb>
been Drinking together And that it was do<obscured></obscured>
the Night beforeThat<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
the said Powell<lb></lb>
had got a Cut on his right hand which was<lb></lb>
ald upThat when Informant went on<lb></lb>
Board he Knew Mr. Simpson the Mate and<lb></lb>
Askd' him how he didThat one of the<lb></lb>
People on Board Knew Informant to be an<lb></lb>
Officer and They see<obscured></obscured>
md all Quiet and<lb></lb>
Musterd' Themselves together<lb></lb>
That when he saw the Man with the Cut on<lb></lb>
his Hand he took him And Asked him how<lb></lb>
he Came to do this Affair But he made no<lb></lb>
AnswerThat Informant took him to<lb></lb>
Justice Sherwoods But some Persons Came<lb></lb>
there with a Warrant agt. him from Justice<lb></lb>
Staples And then Informant took him<lb></lb>
before Justice StaplesThat the Prisoner<lb></lb>
was Desirous of seeing the Deceased and<lb></lb>
Informant Came with him to the Deceased<lb></lb>
in the HospitalThat Mr. Staples was<lb></lb>
Present and Swore the Deceased And the<lb></lb>
Deceased (after he was Sworn) Declared that</p>

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