<div1 type="OB_PSpage" id="LMOBPS45024PS450240199"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMOBPS450240199"></xptr>
<p n="904">young Woman to put it away, for fear any Men should come<lb></lb>
in the Room, that Mrs. Marsh then went down to dress<lb></lb>
herself, and that white Mrs. Marsh was gone down, the<lb></lb>
Maid through it down the Necessary, that Mrs. Marsh<lb></lb>
afterwards went up to the Maid, and then came down Stairs<lb></lb>
and took a pail of Water and through it down the Necessary<lb></lb>
to wash the Staines that were on the back part of the Seat<lb></lb>
of the same, Deponent then said to Mrs. Marsh, What was<lb></lb>
it, she said it was a Boy, Deponent asked how big it was<lb></lb>
she said about so big, measuring a certain length on her Arm<lb></lb>
Deponent said Why that was cruel of her to throw it down the<lb></lb>
Necessary Mrs. Marsh said why so I told her, and said she<lb></lb>
deserved to be hanged for what she had done, Deponent then<lb></lb>
asked, Mrs. Marsh if she might speak to her Maid, Mrs.<lb></lb>
Marsh went down into the Kitchen, and sent up the Maid to<lb></lb>
Deponent in the Parlour Deponent then said Becky dont<lb></lb>
you think you are a cruel Creature to Murther<del>her</del>
your Child<lb></lb>
she said No she had not murthered her Child, she had had no<lb></lb>
Child, she was sitting on the Necessary and something came<lb></lb>

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