Middlesex Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

1st May 1781 - 31st December 1799

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCOIC651010342

Image 342 of 7122nd March 1786

him behind and Deponent then Passed them and Shortly afterwards heard the Sarjeant who was behind the said Man
or some other say "Push him along" upon which Deponent turned Roundandsaw Some of the Company Past the
said Man along and then Deponent went along and Presently heard one of the said Party say "get up" and on
looking Round again heard one of them say give me the Stick" and Immediately heard Several Blows given
and Supposes to the said Man and heard him Groan Three of four times and try out "Oh "Oh" You'll kill
me" and then heard some of the said Party say go along and afterwards Deponent went on and Neither
saw or heard any More

The Mark of
Job Morris< no role >

Simon Meads< no role > Brother of the said John Meads< no role > living with him on his OathsaithThat on Sunday Evening
last about ten o Clock he went to the Stable where the Deceased was and found him laying up on the Straw and
upon touching him to see if he was Come to himself (Supposing him in Liquor) he Groaned Whereupon he
gave him some more Straw and left him And on Monday Morning about Six O'Clock upon going against
the Stable to see how the Deceased Was or whether he was gone he found him Dead

The Mark of
Simon [mark] Mead< no role >

Joseph Hill< no role > of Longford Labourer upon his Oath saith That on Sunday last he saw Several Man
whom he was Informed was Recruits going to the East Indies and a Serjeant along with them with a lane in
his Hand Pass through Longford and he Observed the deceased among them who Appeared to him much fatigued
and do here as did Several others of the Company one of which Came into this Deponent [..]
himself and told this Deponent that they Came from bristol And Saith that as the Deceased Moved Slow
Seemingly from his Fatigue and not from Drunkenness, the Serjeant Struck him Several times with
his Came in Order as Deponent Supposes to make him go faster and heard the Deceased desired him not
to Strike [..] And Part of the Company that were before laughed at him

The Mark of
Joseph [mark] Hill< no role >

All the Above Depositions were Severally
taken and Acknowledged the Day Year
and Place before Mentioned before
E Umfreville

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