City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th July 1788 - 30th December 1788

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650010294

Image 294 of 46524th November 1788

lent the deced five Guineas Deced telling him
he had occasion for so much-that the Morning
the deced was format lying upon the Mud us
before staled on examining his pockets he found
fiveseven Guineas in his Pockets which the Supposes to be the same
five Guineas he had so lent him and two other Guineas he
supposes the deced had as the time the borrowed
said five Guineas

William Evans< no role >

Sworn the 24th. day of
November 1788 before me}

T Shelton Corr.

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