<div1 type="CC_MCpage" id="GLCCMC25112MC251120070"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLCCMC251120070"></xptr>
<p n="389">one of them Is to Present him before the Chamberlain<lb></lb>
and Cause him to be Admitted Into the Fanchizes<lb></lb>
of Said City and Art or Mistery of Carpenters<lb></lb>
and Else not nor otherwise to be presented upon<lb></lb>
Pain that Every Master of Such Apprentice<lb></lb>
Doing the Contrary to forfeit £5. one Moiety to<lb></lb>
the Chamberlain of London the other to the<lb></lb>
Use of the Company of Carpenters(follo 19..20</p>
<p n="390"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Apprentices Not<lb></lb>
to Marry or Runn<lb></lb>
If any Apprentice or Apprentices Marry or<lb></lb>
Absent themselves from their Master or<lb></lb>
Mistress During their Apprenticehood, then<lb></lb>
within one Month the Master or Mistress is<lb></lb>
to Bring their Indentures to the hall to be<lb></lb>
Required and Entered</p>
<p n="391">If any Such Apprentice Come again then<lb></lb>
the Master and Mistress within one Month<lb></lb>
after their Comeing are to Bring them to the<lb></lb>
Hall to be Examined and Punished for their<lb></lb>
offence at the Discretion of the Master and<lb></lb>
Wardens to the Intent. that no Person Shall<lb></lb>
be admitted a Workman before he has Served 7<lb></lb>
Years at Least and that Freedoms may'nt be<lb></lb>
Obtained Unlawfully. Upon Penalty to the<lb></lb>
Master or Mistress to Forfeit for Every Such<lb></lb>
offence 20 Shillings to the use aforesaid<lb></lb>
(follo 20..21)</p>
<p n="392"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Not to Receive other<lb></lb>
Mens Apprentices</note>
None to Receive or take into their Service<lb></lb>
or house any Man or Womans Apprentice<lb></lb>
Covenant Servant or Journyman within the<lb></lb>
<rs type="placeName" id="GLCCMC25112_geo107">limitts aforesaid</rs>
<interp inst="GLCCMC25112_geo107" type="placeName" value="limitts aforesaid"></interp>
<interp inst="GLCCMC25112_geo107" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
, Unless it be otherwise ordered<lb></lb>
by the Master and Wardens or any 2 of them to-<lb></lb>
gether with 2 or More of the said Company's<lb></lb>
as have been Master or Warden Those that do the<lb></lb>
Contrary to forfeit 5 Marke or £3..6s..8d to the Master &<lb></lb>
& Wardens for the use Aforesaid(foll 21 & 22)</p>

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