Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

3rd October 1699 - 5th September 1710

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251100033

Image 33 of 25215th July 1701

The 4th. July 1701

Present Mar Champion Warden [..] Bullamore
Warden Collyer & Warden Freeman.
Mr. Younge. Mr. Knowles Mr. Rainsford.


This day Mr. Tho: Arlidge< no role > being Sumoned to appeare and
take upon him the Cloathing of this Company and he
appeared and accept thereof and paid the Warden. £7 00s 00d
Of Mr. Tho: Arlidge< no role > for Q. to St James tide 1701 £0 06s 00d

Excusd from ye.
Livery paying
his Fine

Mr. Adrian Bridvinckx< no role > being this day Sumoned to accept of
the Cloathing he appeared and desired to be excused but
the Mastr. & Wardens would not agree thereto Unles he paid
the usuall Fine for being excused which he complyed with
and paid to Warden Freeman3 6 08.
Of Adrian Bridvinckx< no role > for Q0 10 00.

The 11th. July 1701 .

Present ye Mastr. and Wardens Mr. Knowles Mr. Younge
and Mr. Joyce.


Mr. Thomas Watkins< no role > this day appeared and accepted of the
Cloathing and paid Warden Freeman for his Fine07 00 00
besides the Clerke and Beadles Fees.


Mr. Hedges appeared this day in the behalfe of his Sonne who is
out of towne and promised his Sonne should accept of the
Cloathing and pay his Fine in tenn day's.


Mr. Richard Bird< no role > appeared this day and agreed to come on the
Cloathing and to pay his Fine next weeke.

The 15th. July 1701 .

find for

Mr. Wm. Quelch< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. appeared this day and pd for Q00 04 00.
Of him more as A Fine for disobeying of Sumons's 00 10 00.

Of Mr. Wm. Allen< no role > of King Street Bloomesbury
for Q to St. James tide 1701
00 18 08.

Of Mr. Wm. Allen< no role > more as A Fine for disobeying
00 06 08.

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