Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020158

Image 158 of 2114th July 1797

At a Court of Assistants Holden at Carpenters Hall
on Tuesday the fourth day of July 1797

PresentMr. WheelerMaster

Mr. Dunkley
Mr. Arrow

Mr. Jupp Mr. Flight Mr. Russell Mr. Lawrence Sir Wm. Staines< no role >
Mr. Woodyer Mr. Yallowley Mr. Ayscough

Mr. Richard Martyr< no role > Paid his Quarterage to Midsr.-..5..4
Mr. James Davis< no role > Paid Do.2..-..8

Weedon to Martyr

Luke Weedon< no role > Son of William Weedon< no role > of Greenwich in the County
of Kent Labourer bound to Richard Martyr< no role > of the same place
Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London Conson Nil.


William Jupp< no role > of New Ormond Street Queen Square Architect
Son of William Jupp< no role > Citizen & Carpenter of London made
Free by Patrimony


Thomas Davis< no role > of Little Eastcheap Cork Cutter Son of James Davis< no role >
of Union Court Spitalfields Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter
of London made Free by Patrimony

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