Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

2nd February 1787 - 2nd December 1800

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251020154

Image 154 of 2117th March 1797

At a Court of Assistants Holden at Carpenters Hall on
Tuesday the seventh day of March 1797

PresentMr. WheelerMaster

Mr. Arrow
Mr. Dunkley

Mr. Jupp Mr. Flight Mr. Russell Mr. Lawrence Mr. Staines
Mr. Woodyer Mr. Suter Mr. Tappen Mr. Yallowley

Mr. Stephen Hanscombe< no role > Paid his Quarterage to Christmas 12..-
Mr. John Surridge< no role > Paid Do.6..-
Mr. William Jaques< no role > Paid Do.1..16..8
Mr. Edward Barnard< no role > Paid Do.-..4..
Mr. James Hill< no role > Paid Do.-..11..-
Mr. William Chester< no role > Paid Do.-..14..-
Mr. Edward Barnard< no role > also Paid a Fine for a Non Inrollmt. 1..-..-

Hanscombe to Hanscombe

William Hanscombe< no role > Son of Stephen Hanscombe< no role > of Cheshunt in the
County of Hertford Carpenter bound to the said Stephen Hanscombe< no role >
his Father and also Citizen & Carpenter of London Conson Nil.

Fountain to Surridge

John Fountain< no role > Son of Henry Fountain< no role > of Newgate Market in the
City of London Butcher bound to John Surridge< no role > of the same Place
Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London Consideration £20

Pepper to Jacques

George John Pepper< no role > Son of George Pepper< no role > of the Parish of St. Margaret Westminster
Surveyor bound to William Jacques< no role > of Devonshire Street Queen Square in
the County of Middlesex Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London
Conson £20

Amott Hurle

Thomas Amott< no role > Son of Thomas Amott< no role > of the Parish of Christs Church
in the County of Surry Turner bound to William Hurle< no role > of Garlick
Hill in the City of London Carpenter & also Citizen & Carpenter of London £50


George Barnard< no role > of Nicholas Square Cripplegate in the City of London
Cabinet maker Son of Edward Barnard< no role > of the same place flatter
made Free by Patrimony


Thomas Nightingale< no role > Son of Thomas Nightingale< no role > of Cumberland
Street Shoreditch Carpenter made Free by Survitude bound to
James Hill< no role > late of Bishopsgate Street Carpenter deceased


John Moor< no role > Son of George Moor< no role > of the City of Oxford Carpenter bound
to William Cleater< no role > of Red Lion Court Charterhouse Lane Carpenter
made Free by Servitude

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