Carpenters' Company:
Minute Books of Courts and Committees

3rd May 1757 - 5th December 1786

About this document type

Currently Held: Guildhall Library, London

LL ref: GLCCMC251010295

Image 295 of 4693rd January 1775

At a Court of Assistants held at Carpenters Hall
on Tuesday the third day of January 1775 .

PresentMr Turner Master

Mr Whittaker
Mr Steedman
Mr Taine

Mr BiggMr JuppMr OliverMr AtterburyMr Jernegan
Mr DermerMr BiddlecomMr ReadMr JonesMr Hanning

Thomas Jackson Cleland< no role > paid his Quarteridge to Christmas0.15.6
Gabriel Gregory< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. paid Do to Do0.1.6
William Miller< no role > paid Do to Do0.2.6
John Whiteaves< no role > paid Do to Do 0.2.0
William Champion< no role > paid Do to Do0.4.6

Thomas Jackson< no role > paid a Non Inrollment0.3.4
John Whiteaves< no role > paid Do0.3.4

Croad to Champion

James Croad< no role > Son of Emanuel Croad< no role > of Tower Hill Gangeman
bound to William Champion< no role > of Snow Hill London Grocer and also
Citizen and Carpenter of London Consn £50.


George Coleman< no role > Son of Richard Coleman< no role > Late of the paved Stones Moor
fields Breeches Maker bound to Thomas Jackson Cleland< no role > of Holborn
Haberdasher and now made free on the testimony of his said Master
the third day of January 1775


Richard Willingtone Field< no role > of Bankside Southwark Barge Builder
Son of Benjamin Field< no role > of the Old Change Citizen and Carpenter of
London made free by Patrimony


Obadiah Bull< no role > Son of John Bull< no role > of Spitalfields Pawnbroker bound to
Gabriel Gregory< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. of Merepond Southwark Carpenter and also Citizen
and Carpenter of London and now made free on the testimony of his
said Master


Albon Creaton< no role > Son of Edmund Creaton< no role > of Mansel Street Goodmans
fields Butcher bound to William Miller< no role > of Beer Lane Tower Street
Citizen and Carpenter of London and now made free on the
testimony of his said Master


Richard Whiteaves< no role > of Great Carter Lane Doctors Commons Son of
John Whiteaves< no role > Citizen and Carpenter of London made free by


John Whiteaves< no role > bound to John Whiteaves< no role > his Father Citizen and
Carpenter of London and now made free on the testimony of
Whiteaves Widow

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