<div1 type="BR_MBpage" id="GLBRMB20102MB201020492"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBRMB201020492"></xptr>
<p n="3435">Wednesday <rs type="date" id="GLBRMB20102_date444">June 10th.. 1801.</rs>
<interp inst="GLBRMB20102_date444" type="date" value="18010610"></interp>
<p n="3436">Mr.Treasurer<lb></lb>
Mr.Spencer.Mr. WillisMr. Brown</p>
<p n="3437">The Apothecary reported that Margt.<lb></lb>
Campart during the time the has been<lb></lb>
confined in Bridewell has exhibited<lb></lb>
symptoms of Insanity, but which by<lb></lb>
proper treatment have now subsided</p>
<p n="3438">The Clerk reported that it appeared<lb></lb>
to him that the Committee had no perver<obscured></obscured>
over Margt Campart beyond the Wana<obscured></obscured>
of his Commitment</p>
<p n="3439">Read, the Minutes of the<lb></lb>
Sub-Committees since the 11th. of<lb></lb>
February last and agreed that the<lb></lb>
same be confirmed.</p>
<p n="3440">Examined the Prisons and found<lb></lb>
them clean and the Prisoners properly<lb></lb>
<p n="3441">Men and Boys-18<lb></lb>
Women and Children 38<lb></lb>
<p n="3442">W Willis</p>

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