<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100335"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100335"></xptr>
<p n="3411">Continued, Thursday, <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20210_date278">31st. Jany. 1799</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_date278" type="date" value="17990131"></interp>
<p n="3412"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Report.<lb></lb>
Select Commitee</note>
anticipated by the Wisdom and policy of our Ancestorse</p>
<p n="3413"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Care of ye. Sturdy<lb></lb>
"o Idle & Prisoners<lb></lb>
"guit at the Sessions</note>
<p n="3414"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Proposed<lb></lb>
regulations for<lb></lb>
That for the third Class of Persons who were the<lb></lb>
"original Objects of Bridewell" the sturdy and the Idle, and<lb></lb>
"likewise such Prisoners as are quit at the Sessions", the local<lb></lb>
Situation and the accommodation of Bridewell, seem to be<lb></lb>
well adapted. That, besides the separation of the Sexes,<lb></lb>
and of the different Classes of Persons. it appears to your<lb></lb>
Committee to be expedient that there should be some<lb></lb>
general labour, not requiring Skill or instruction, for<lb></lb>
those who are not capable, and desirvces of being employed<lb></lb>
in any other more Profitable Work:That for these there<lb></lb>
should be an inforcority of condition, as to diet, accommedation<lb></lb>
and Clothing, in order to induce hem to endeavour do<lb></lb>
obtain and preserve a Situation in one of the other Classes,<lb></lb>
and to make them avioid what would be the consequence<lb></lb>
of Misbehaviour in the other Classes, their being reduced<lb></lb>
again to the inferior Class.</p>
<p n="3415"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Vagrants to be<lb></lb>
passed shod. be<lb></lb>
distingusished lyd.<lb></lb>
Magistrate so as to<lb></lb>
passd. blameless<lb></lb>
immediately, &<lb></lb>
parish the rogue<lb></lb>
dragabond by Cooper<lb></lb>
That there is a part of the third Class, which, tho'<lb></lb>
discredited by the general name of Vagrants, is composed<lb></lb>
of Persons very different in character conduct and<lb></lb>
circumstances; The honest and unfortunate sufferer<lb></lb>
being confounded with the Vicious, and Profligate, who<lb></lb>
have a bundoned their Fainilies, their Parishes and the<lb></lb>
places where their Labour and industry might be useful<lb></lb>
That, the Sentence of "a Weeks Idleness & confinement"<lb></lb>
to all of them at the same time that it is too favorable<lb></lb>
for one part of them, is Severity and in justice to the<lb></lb>
others' therefore your Committee is of opinion that a<lb></lb>
more strict judicial inquiry ought to be made into the<lb></lb>
cases of Vagrants committed to Bridewell and white the<lb></lb>
unfortunate and blameless Passenger, is favoured by a<lb></lb>
speedy and comfortable return to his or her own Parish<lb></lb>
the Rogue & Vagabond should receive that proper Correction<lb></lb>

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