<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100327"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100327"></xptr>
<p n="3368">Continued, Thursday, <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20210_date270">31st.. Jany. 1799</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_date270" type="date" value="17990131"></interp>
<p n="3369"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Report.<lb></lb>
Select Committee.</note>
Profitable as to allow them any compensation or<lb></lb>
encouragement out of it, or of a nature to fit them to<lb></lb>
obtain their own livelihood when they are discharged<lb></lb>
from the House.</p>
<p n="3370"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">The difficultier<lb></lb>
of obaining labour<lb></lb>
for rich particular<lb></lb>
objects. considened</note>
That your Committee is a ware of the difficulty of<lb></lb>
obtaining Labour for such a discription of Persons, as<lb></lb>
those usually confined in Bridewell, but, relying on<lb></lb>
the examples of success that have been afforded in<lb></lb>
similar places they do not despair of the consiquences<lb></lb>
of an attempt to introduce into Bridewell a system of<lb></lb>
labour that shall be productive of emolument to the<lb></lb>
establishment, and to all the individals employed in<lb></lb>
it, and of benefit to the Persons employed, by enabling<lb></lb>
them when discharged, to earn their livelehood in future:<lb></lb>
That the your Committee thinks it not proper to despair<lb></lb>
of that which has been effected in other instances where<lb></lb>
the attempt has been Properly made yet they conceive<lb></lb>
it is imprudent to form too great expectations of the<lb></lb>
facility of the undertaking or of the completeness of<lb></lb>
the success that may attend it.</p>
<p n="3371"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">The Recived of the<lb></lb>
sevl Commitments &<lb></lb>
terms of apprentices pips<lb></lb>
unfavourable as prest.<lb></lb>
to d interest of<lb></lb>
Hope of themselves<lb></lb>
the objects.</note>
<p n="3372"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">alterations in<lb></lb>
rich period<lb></lb>
That, a considerable loss and inconvenience is<lb></lb>
occasioned by the precise periods for which the different<lb></lb>
Persons in Bridewell are fixed there Vizt. the Vagrants<lb></lb>
committed for seven Days, the Disorderly Persons. generally<lb></lb>
for a Month and the Apprentices, bound to their Trade<lb></lb>
for Seven Years.That if the Vagrants could be sent<lb></lb>
home as soon as convenient a considerable expence of<lb></lb>
Maintenance would be save; and our Committee<lb></lb>
observes, that in so short a Period, their labour is capable<lb></lb>
of little or no profit, and they cannot receive any<lb></lb>
improvement or reform:That it disorderly Persons<lb></lb>
were committed for a longer Period than they now are<lb></lb>
with a discretionary power of shortening that period<lb></lb>
in case of their good behaviour, and of the means of<lb></lb>
employment being afforded them out of the House, a<lb></lb>

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