<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100324"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100324"></xptr>
<p n="3351">Continued, Thursday, <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20210_date268">31st. Jany. 1799</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_date268" type="date" value="17990131"></interp>
<p n="3352"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Report<lb></lb>
Select Committee</note>
that by a Judicious and economical use of the Funds of the<lb></lb>
Charity, not only Vagrants may be maintained but all the other<lb></lb>
beneficent intentions of our pious, and benevolent Ancestors<lb></lb>
may be attained without interfering with the Funds arising<lb></lb>
from Locks and Fowkes Benefactions.</p>
<p n="3353"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">To<lb></lb>
make use of<lb></lb>
exciting accommo<lb></lb>
dation and<lb></lb>
present officers</note>
That, in the forming an new arrangement at Bridewell,<lb></lb>
it will be proper to make use of the present existing accommodation<lb></lb>
and of the Persons now on the establishment, as far as may be<lb></lb>
done, and not to remove any person or vary anything in the<lb></lb>
House if such person or Thing can be effectually, and properly<lb></lb>
applied towards the execution of the original plan of<lb></lb>
Bridewell: which, your Committee apprehends must be adhered<lb></lb>
to as far as is practicable and its benefits are wanted by that part<lb></lb>
of the Community for which it was intended: and that by so<lb></lb>
making use of such accommodation, and Persons the Corporation<lb></lb>
may save expence in the outset, and avoid, as to individuals,<lb></lb>
who have been long on their establishment, the dismission of them<lb></lb>
in case they prove willing, and able to assist effectually and<lb></lb>
usefully in promoting the objects of the institution.</p>
<p n="3354"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">no reflections<lb></lb>
intended on<lb></lb>
but defects<lb></lb>
of system until<lb></lb>
be them</note>
That, your Committee has thought it necessary to inquire<lb></lb>
what effects have been produced in Bridewell by the present<lb></lb>
expenditure, but not with the View or, consequence of criminating<lb></lb>
any individual, as they have the satisfaction in being able to<lb></lb>
say, that my existing defects in Bridewell, arise, from an<lb></lb>
improper system of operation rather than from the misconduct<lb></lb>
of any Person employed, and that the blame, if any, is to be<lb></lb>
imputed to the system of management, and not to the Persons to<lb></lb>
whom the execution has been entrusted. But as the defects of<lb></lb>
that system cannot be properly corrected, without their being<lb></lb>
detailed and explained, your Committee, has thought it necessary<lb></lb>
to go into an inquiry on that subject, and to state to the Court<lb></lb>
the effects of that inquiry.</p>
<p n="3355">That, your Committee finds, that instead of the two Classes<lb></lb>
of Persons mentioned in the Declaration, Vizt. Task Masters.<lb></lb>

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