<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20209MG202090494"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202090494"></xptr>
<p n="4325">Continued Tuesday 26th. June 1792.<lb></lb>
The Surveyor for both Hospitals</p>
<p n="4326"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Surveyor<lb></lb>
His Duty</note>
Is to attend Committees and all views in Town when required to recommend estimate<lb></lb>
and superintend all alterations or repairs on the said of both Hospitals to measure all<lb></lb>
Works and to examine all Workmen's Bills as soon as delivered to survey and give his<lb></lb>
opinion as to the rents repairs and buildings proper for such Houses or premises as<lb></lb>
are to be let on building or repairing Leases to attend the letting thereof when required<lb></lb>
and to see that such repairs and buildings are done according to the Contract and<lb></lb>
Report thereon to the House Committee with the sum which ought to be insured for<lb></lb>
the same and to furnish the Clerk with plans of each ground plot and building to be<lb></lb>
affixed to the Leases to keep a Book of estimates for all buildings and repairs and<lb></lb>
lay the same before the House Committee to make out schedules of fixtures when<lb></lb>
required and in all other respects to render the Hospitals his best services as a<lb></lb>
<p n="4327">The Steward of Bridewell</p>
<p n="4328"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Steward of Bridewell<lb></lb>
his Duty</note>
Is not to follow any profession trade business or other employment whatever<lb></lb>
but to appropriate the whole of his time with diligence and fidelity to the<lb></lb>
service of the Hospitals particularly that of Bridewell.</p>
<p n="4329">He is to collect and receive all the Rents arrears insurances and annuities<lb></lb>
payable to both Hospitals as the same become due (except those from the Orphan<lb></lb>
Stock and the public funds) and pay all Monies as soon as received to the<lb></lb>
<p n="4330">To keep a regular cash book in which shall entered all sums of Money<lb></lb>
received and paid by him on account of the Hospitals which shall be balanced<lb></lb>
every Month and laid before the Treasurer when required and the House Committee<lb></lb>
and the Committee of Auditors at every meeting.</p>
<p n="4331">He is to state to the House Committee at each of their meetings previous to the<lb></lb>
four General Quarterly Courts the amount of the arrears of the revenues of the Hospitals<lb></lb>
under his receipt with a list of all such tenants whose rents shall be more than Six<lb></lb>
Months in arrear.</p>
<p n="4332">He is take care that the several Insurances and the payments for the same<lb></lb>
on the buildings belonging to the Hospitals be regularly made and the policies<lb></lb>
renewed when necessary.</p>
<p n="4333">He is to keep a Rental of the estates of both Hospitals and report to the first<lb></lb>
House Committee after every Lady Day all the Leases which are within three Years<lb></lb>
of expiration and also when they are expired and to continue to Report the same<lb></lb>
to every succeeding Committee until they are re-let</p>
<p n="4334">He is to direct such repairs as by accidents or decay become immediately and<lb></lb>
absolutely necessary to be done and all other matters (not exceeding forty shillings) with<lb></lb>
as much ecconomy as possible.</p>
<p n="4335">To see that the several inferior Officers and Servants do their duty and that the<lb></lb>
Workmen employed in all repairs and buildings for Bridewell Hospital do regularly attend<lb></lb>
and do their work and check the Books to be kept by the Porter for that purpose.</p>

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